Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Enjoying the simple things.

One of the things I love about being a parent is watching Maya learn and discover the world around her.  She finds delight in such simple things - digging in the dirt, picking flowers, hearing a plane fly overhead, watching bubbles blowing in the wind... And I gain enjoyment from her enjoyment.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

The Hokey Pokey.

I was watching Maya silently dancing the Hokey Pokey when Greg asked "What is she doing?".

"The Hokey Pokey", I replied.

He started singing.  Maya kept dancing.  And I grabbed the camera.

I love watching this video. It makes me smile every time. :)

Sunday, 12 September 2010

In our new home.

Last Monday we moved into our new house.  It's been an exhausting few weeks, getting everything packed and organised and then moving. 

It's also harder moving with a toddler underfoot.  Especially when said toddler has a nasty cold. 

I know people will want to see pictures but I won't be taking pictures of our box ridden premises.  So pictures will have to wait until we are unpacked and settled.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

If you play with fire, you will get burned.

Watching my mother go through the devastating process of being diagnosed with cancer made me wonder whether she expected to ever get cancer from smoking? 

And the answer is she didn't expect it.  Which I find very odd given the statistics

I realise not everyone who smokes gets cancer.  And there always seems to be some story about someone who lived till the age of 99, smoked ten packs a day and was never ill

But the fact is smoking causes a large range of illnesses and conditions.

I don't know what it is like to have a chemical addiction.  And people from my mother's generation did not know the affects of cigarettes.  But sadly cigarette smoking is still being picked up today by teenagers at an alarming rate.

And I don't understand why anyone would start smoking knowing the facts about cigarettes.

Is there anything good about smoking at all? 

Is smoking a pleasurable experience before you become addicted? 

Is smoking really worth the risk?