Wednesday 9 December 2009

The stages of walking.

Maya has been 'walking' for a long
time now.  She cruises the furniture.
There was a short time when she walked holding on to a walker, but she kept getting frustrated whenever she bumped into something and then totally refused to use it any more.

Instead she walks holding on to someone's hands and last week my mother in law managed to get Maya
to walk holding on with only one
hand.  (Thanks Trish :)


Eliza said...

Hey in case you're like me and you're wondering why all those other kids started walking at 9 months, I just wanted to assure you that Jude walks holding on with one hand and has been cruising the furniture for a while, but I think he's waiting for the new year to try his hand at independent steps. I'm just looking forward to the time he can run around the playground with ease, because I know he'll be so pleased with himself. He watches the big kids with total awe.

Tanya said...

Yeah I'm not worried that Maya isn't walking on her own yet, even though it seems like a lot of kids have been walking since 9 months! On the other hand I saw a toddler who is a month older than Maya and who is cruising the furniture but won't do any other walking.

I'm also looking forward to Maya being able to run around the playground. She always finds an older kid and wants to follow them when we go there.

kinder/caring said...

This is an amazing age. Enjoy every minute!