Sunday 22 August 2010

Won't baby choke?

Following on from my previous post about Baby Led Weaning, a few people have commented that giving solid foods to babies has or will make them choke.  Recently the topic of choking was covered in the ABA (Australian Breastfeeding Association) magazine where it was stated that:
"Provided that baby is in control of any food that goes into his mouth and he is sitting upright, BLW doesn't make choking any more likely than spoon feeding - and may even make it less likely."
According to Gill Rapley:
"Babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have developed the ability to chew."
 The ABA magazine futher states:
"Often people confuse choking with gagging on food.  Gagging is a retching movement that pushes food away for the airway if it is too big to be swallowed."
I wanted to discuss BLW, as it seems like the majority of parents don't even know about it as an alternative to pureeds and spoon feeding. 

I like to learn about everything I do and discover all the different options available and the pros and cons of those options.  That's how I discovered BLW and to me it sounded like a better approach to introducing solids.

Obviously as a parent you have to be comfortable with whatever you do for your baby and BLW might not suit you.


Faith said...

found your blog via blog hopping and just wanted to ask a question. i read your BLW post before this one, too. do you still nurse Maya or has she weaned herself now? i like that you let her pick the foods she ate instead of picking for her. i bet that would help children to be less of a picky eater, too. anyways, just curious. have a good day!

Tanya said...

I wish I was still breast feeding. Unfortunately I had to give it up due to illness (mine not hers) when she was 10 1/2 months old. You can read about it here: