Friday 21 January 2011

Learning about colours.

For a long time now Maya has been able to list colours but not always identify them correctly.

Then the other day she exclaimed "There's a red car and ours is a red car!"

I looked and it was indeed a red car.

I then asked her "What is that car?" pointing at a blue car.

"That's a blue car" she said.

"And what's that car" I asked again pointing at a green car.

"That's a green car" she said.

"Wow she can identify colours" I thought.

"There's a red car" she said again pointing at a red car.

And this time I asked "What colour is it?"

"Green!" she said.


"No what colour is it?"


"What car is it?"

"It's a red car"

"So what colour is it?"


"No if it's a red car then it's a red colour"


There are red cars and blue cars and silver cars and white cars but they are all the colour green apparently.


1 comment:

Eliza said...

She's so clever and cute.