Friday 8 January 2010

A reflection on 2009.

Unfortunately 2009 was marred by my awful illness (Meniere's Disease) and that's what I find myself mainly remembering about 2009.  Looking back it was a tough year with learning how to look after a baby, dealing with a lack of adult company and support, worrying about Maya's health, moving house and then becoming extremely ill and feeling like I had no control over my own body and being unable to care for Maya at the same level I had been.

On the flip side, I have loved watching Maya grow and develop.  Her emerging personality and cheekiness has been adorable to witness and I am glad I have been able to stay home with her for so long.

Moving house was a big plus and now we live in much roomier accommodation with much more natural light, a nice sized garden that Maya loves to play in and a great park near by.  I started getting more support living closer to family and I found a great mother's group near by.

Finding out that Maya is perfectly healthy was a huge positive and big weight off my mind.

In 2009 I also learnt to appreciate the healthy periods because you really never know when it could be taken away from you.

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